Brown Butter Pecan Pie
Brown Butter Pecan Pie
It seems that every year around holiday time, I try to make some variation of pecan pie. It has long been one of my favorite desserts, and I enjoy finding ways to keep it new. The idea for this year’s little twist just kinda hit me one day. Brown butter travel mugs wholesale.
I’m no stranger to baking with pecans or brown butter. You’ll find those two showing up quite a bit around here. But, I’m not sure they’ve shown up in the same recipe.
I took my family’s traditional pecan pie recipe, made a couple of changes, browned some butter, and here we are with this pie. It’s still pecan pie, but it’s so much more. The flavors are more complex and, well, grown-up mathconcept.
Granted, I may change my mind with whatever version of pecan pie I bake next, but I feel confident that this is my favorite pecan pie. Ever. Quinn agrees, too. In fact, he has requested that we have this pie again for Christmas. I agreed rather quickly. It’s a little ridiculous how much I’m looking forward to enjoying a slice of this pie again Singapore company formation.